7. Testing the dynamic material

Do not forget to compile the code. Else the system will not recognize the changes that have been made in the code, which will cause the new code to not be executed. Press on compile to compile your code.

Img 26, Pressing on compile to compile new code

In order to test our dynamic material, we need to place our blueprint in the level. You can do this by dragging the blueprint into the level. I’ve placed multiple instances of my blueprint to see if every object is different at start up.

Img 27, Placing multiple blueprint instances into the level

Now we can start our level to see if our code works. Press on play to start the level.

Img 28, Pressing on play to start the game

We should be seeing three spheres, with each a different emission color and emission strength. Just like in the image below.

Img 29, Three spheres with different emission colors and strengths

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